WV Department of Health and Human Resources
COVID-19 Testing Criteria
Updated March 16, 2020

NOTE: Testing supply shortages mean that testing criteria may need to change through this event. Public health consultation should always be sought before submitting specimens. The WV Office of Laboratory Services (OLS) Specimen collection guidance and the Specimen submission form can be found at www.coronavirus.wv.gov.

Individuals currently prioritized for testing by the WVBPH Office of Lab Services include the following:
1) Seriously ill individuals hospitalized or otherwise at high risk of complications: This includes seriously ill individuals with symptoms of COVID-19 (Fever, cough, shortness of breath) who are:
a. Hospitalized OR
b. Near hospitalization OR
c. Otherwise at highest risk of poor health outcomes including:
i. Persons over the age of 65
ii. Those with serious underlying chronic diseases
iii. Those living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities
d. Who do not have another identified cause for their illness. Must have a negative respiratory panel. If provider is unable to perform respiratory testing, testing can be completed at OLS prior to COVID-19 testing.
No history of potential exposure is needed for these patients.
2) Individuals at medium to high risk of having been infected: This includes any individual with symptoms of lower respiratory illness (Fever, cough, shortness of breath) and:
a. A history of likely exposure to COVID-19 within 14 days of their symptom onset.
i. Close contact with an individual confirmed to have COVID-19 OR
ii. Travel history from or living in areas with widespread community transmission†
b. Who do not have another identified cause for their illness. Must have a negative respiratory panel. If provider is unable to perform respiratory testing, testing can be completed at OLS prior to COVID-19 testing.

†Areas with widespread community transmission include:
a. US states with sustained community transmission include California, Washington Site, and New York. For the most up to date information, please visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-in-us.html.
b. Countries with sustained community transmission (CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice) include: China, Iran, South Korea and most of Europe. For the most up-to-date information, please visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/index.html.
c. Cruise ship travel is also considered an area of widespread transmission.