Oglebay Tank Area
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Beginning at 8AM on 10/8/20 the water will be shut off until approximately 5PM. There will be an interruption of the water service due to the installation of new valves. Because of continued water breaks on this line, this work is necessary to restore water to residences and businesses fed from the Oglebay Tank. After service is restored, there will be a 48hour boil order in effect. The following addresses will be affected by probable loss of water or loss of water pressure:
All of Warwood Terrace, all of Whitmar Hills II, all of Washington Farms, and entire Oglebay area between Stratford Springs and Leewood.
For more information contact the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department at (304) 234-3682 or Wheeling Water Department at (304) 234-3835.