The Ohio County Solid Waste Authority will hold a Household Hazardous Waste Collection on Saturday, September 14, 2019 from 8am to 1pm. The collection will be held at the City of Wheeling Operations center in the Clator section of Wheeling. (Take Wheeling Hospital exit, turn right at intersection, turn left onto Hunter Avenue and follow signs).
Accepted items: gasoline, antifreeze, kerosene, paint, paint thinner, used oil, used oil filters, varnish, transmission fluid, turpentine, lighter fluid, rug cleaner, solvents, fluorescent light tubes, swimming pool chemicals, pesticides, auto and appliance batteries.
This is a program provided by the Ohio County Solid Waste Authority for all residents of Ohio County to dispose of their household hazardous material in an environmental sound manner.
Items from businesses or industry will not be accepted. Anyone dropping off items, must show proof of Ohio County, WV residency
Participants must show proof of Ohio County residency. For more information call the Ohio County Solid Waste Authority at (304) 234-3884 or the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department at (304) 234-3682.