Thursday, March 11, 2021 (9:30 pm)
The Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department is announcing eight (8) COVID-19 associated death for 3/11/21 (deaths were identified through State and Local surveillance data and death certificate data match)
Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department is announcing twelve (12) new cases of COVID-19 for 3/11/21 in Ohio County. Currently, the health department reports a total of 3862 cases, including seventy-four (74) deaths. Case surveillance, contact tracing, and monitoring continue for many of the reported cases.
March 8-15, 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics (tentative to change due to supply)
- 3/8/21 – One vaccination clinic, two vaccines:
- Moderna clinic, by appointment.
- Pfizer clinic, by appointment.
- 3/9/21 – Moderna clinic, by appointment.
- 3/10/21 – 50yrs+ 1st dose clinic, by appointment, (names from WV COVID-19 Vaccine Registration System). Highlands Ohio County Community Vaccination Center. Pfizer.
- 3/11/21 – 50yrs+ 1st dose clinic & 2nd dose clinic from February 18, 2021, by appointment, (names from WV COVID-19 Vaccine Registration System). Highlands Ohio County Community Vaccination Center. Pfizer.
- 3/12/21 – 50yrs+ 1st dose clinic, by appointment, (names from WV COVID-19 Vaccine Registration System). Highlands Ohio County Community Vaccination Center. Pfizer.
- 3/13/21 – One vaccination clinic, two vaccines:
- Pfizer clinic, by appointment.
- Moderna clinic, by appointment.
- 3/14/21 – No Clinic.
- 3/15/21 – Moderna clinic, by appointment.
All vaccination appointments and events are held at the Community Vaccination Center at the Highlands. The COVID-19 community vaccination center at the Highlands will be located in the old Michaels Craft Store/Spirit Halloween Store. The address is 550 Cabela Drive, Triadelphia, West Virginia 26059.
All West Virginians over the age of 16 are encouraged to pre-register through the West Virginia COVID-19 Vaccine Registration System. Pre-registration offers West Virginians the opportunity to receive real-time updates on vaccine availability and schedule an appointment when available as vaccine supplies allow. West Virginians who need assistance with registration for any reason should call our COVID-19 Vaccine Info Line for help at 1-833-734-0965. The info line is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Ohio County and Ohio Valley residents are advised to limit public contact, implement social distancing, work at home where possible, wear a face-covering when out in public, indoors, or at work, wash your hands frequently, and contact your personal physician if you become ill with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.
The Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department is reminding Ohio Valley residents that if you are tested for COVID-19 that you are to remain in home isolation until you receive negative test results. Individuals who test positive will be contacted by a county health department and receive further instructions in regard to care and monitoring.
If positive, you should restrict activities outside your home, except for getting medical care. Do not go to work, school, or public areas. If you have a medical appointment, call the healthcare provider and tell them that you have or may have COVID-19 prior to arriving at the facility. This will help the healthcare provider’s office take steps to keep other people from getting infected or exposed.
The off-site Wheeling Hospital COVID-19 testing clinic continues operations. Ohio Valley residents who are interested in being tested at this location should call the on-call number at (304) 221-3995. Testing is also available at Doctor’s Urgent Care, call (304) 232-0725 for more information; MedExpress is also testing for COVID-19, for more information call (304) 242-4228; Wheeling Health Right is offering testing, call (304) 233-9323 for more information.