West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Botulism: Information for Public Health Officials
Pre-formed bacterial toxin
Unique Epidemiological Characteristics
- Natural reservoir for the bacteria is soil
- A newly reported case should be urgently investigated considering:
- Foodborne (intentional or unintentional)
- Wound
- Aerosol (intentional)
- Incubation: 12-72 hours; sometimes longer
- No person-to-person transmission
- Mortality: very high (without therapy) due to respiratory muscle paralysis – dire emergency
- Environmental:
- Aerosolized toxin decays at about 1-4% per minute – not environmentally stable
- Foods can continue to be a source as long as they are in circulation
- Prophylaxis – not available
- Treatment – antitoxin + artificial respiration – effective if initiated early
Lab confirmation
- Virginia State Health Department
- Implications: Use a clinical case definition early in the investigation: diplopia, dysarthria, dysphonia, dysphagia
Employee Health Considerations
- Exposed employees should be placed under surveillance for development of symptoms
- Standard precautions for work with affected individuals
Lifesaving interventions – in order:
- Recognition / reporting / casefinding + early and appropriate therapy
- Collect and analyze risk information to identify source AND
- remove source (e.g., food) from the environment AND
- identify the exposed population to be placed under surveillance.
Training considerations
- Physicians: recognition / treatment / reporting
- ICPs: reporting, active surveillance procedures
- Labs: procedure for referral of specimens
- Local health departments, regional epidemiologists: investigation
- IDEP / DSDC / BPH: employee health / investigation / priorities for control
- Environmental Health: sampling of foods and other environmental specimens
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