West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Plague: Information for Public Health Officials
Unique Epidemiological Characteristics
- No natural reservoir in West Virginia
- A newly reported case should be urgently investigated considering:
- travel to endemic area
- importation of and exposure to an ill animal
- BT
- Incubation: 1-6 days by inhalation
- Person-to-person transmission via droplets
- Mortality: 100% without therapy – dire emergency
- Environmental: bacteria is NOT long-lasting in the environment
- Prophylaxis: effective with ciprofloxacin, doxycycline
- Treatment: effective if begun early with streptomycin, gentamicin > cipro/doxy
Laboratory confirmation
- Screening tests can be done by a hospital lab; confirmation by OLS
Employee health considerations
- Exposed employees should be offered prophylaxis
- Droplet precautions; employees who will have face-to-face contact with plague victims should be supplied with surgical masks
Lifesaving interventions – in order:
- Recognition / reporting / case-finding (fever or cough in the setting of a known outbreak of plague) + early and appropriate therapy
- Droplet isolation of cases
- Contact tracing and prophylaxis
- Collect and analyze risk information to identify source AND identify the exposed population to be offered prophylaxis and placed under surveillance.
- Susceptibility testing; dissemination of susceptibility results
Training considerations
- Physicians: recognition / treatment / reporting
- ICPs: reporting, active surveillance procedures
- Local health departments, regional epidemiologists: investigation
- IDEP / DSDC / BPH: employee health / investigation / priorities for control
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