West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Viral Hemorrhagic Fever: Information for Public Health Officials
A Group of Viruses
Unique Epidemiological Characteristics
- No natural reservoir in West Virginia
- A newly reported case should be urgently investigated considering:
- travel
- BT
- Incubation: 2-21 days
- Mortality: .5 to 90%, depending on the agent – Emergency
- Person-to-person transmission: by direct contact; possibly by aerosol
- Environmental: these lipid-enveloped viruses are not expected to be environmentally hardy; expert consultation recommended
- Prophylaxis: none
- Treatment: ribavirin (experimental) for arenaviruses or bunyaviridae
Laboratory confirmation:
- Implications: use a clinical case definition to confirm cases during the early part of a reported outbreak
Employee health
- Employees who will have direct patient contact should be supplied with an N-95 mask or a powered air-purifying respirator, gloves, gowns, eye protection, etc.
Lifesaving interventions – in order:
- Recognition / reporting / case-finding + aerosol and contact isolation
- Identification + recommendations for treatment (if appropriate)
Training considerations:
- Physicians: recognition / reporting / isolation / treatment
- ICPs: reporting, active surveillance procedures, isolation
- Local health departments, regional epidemiologists: Investigation / isolation
- IDEP / DSDC / BPH: investigation / communication / prioritization of control measure
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